To properly evaluate for ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neuro-biological condition characterized by
- Innatentiveness
- Restlessness
- Poor impulse control
- Poor time management
- Poor organization
ADHD is something that can occur in children, adolescents, and adults. To start an evaluation, an appointment is scheduled with one our licensed mental health professional. A thorough history is taken with special emphases on school functioning, job history and functioning and relationships. In addition, we use a computerized program called a continuous performance test which gives an objective printout of results.
To properly evaluate for ADHD, we must rule out any other diagnoses which may have overlapping symtoms. If a diagnoses of ADHD is confirmed, treatment may include individual and family therapy, as well qs an evaluation for Medication. The use of medication along with counseling oftent yields the best results.
If a child or teenager is diagnosed, we will contact the school if indicated, as well as advise parents regarding some of their rights and options for assistance in school. This advocacy is also available for college students.
We have counselors, a Psychiatrist and Nurse Practitioner on staff for this purpose. In addition to Gary Rotfus, LCSW, Psychotherapist and owner.